Inkomoko benefits from the generosity of donors and partners around the world. As a hybrid social enterprise, donors are able to make tax-deductible contributions to our nonprofit arm, or institutions can engage us in a fee-for-service contract. Finally, program-related investments through impact investors also fuel our in-house investment fund. Through all of these mechanisms, Inkomoko seeks to honor the trust placed in us. Thank you
- 1-to-4 Foundation
- American Online Giving Foundation, Inc.
- Anonymous
- Allan & Gill Gray Philanthropy
- Argidius Foundation
- Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs
- Bank of Kigali
- Bridgespan Group
- Dashen Bank
- Development Bank of Rwanda
- Dovetail Impact Foundation
- Equity Bank
- GIZ Rwanda
- Global Development Initiative
- The Timothy and Amy Guth Family Fund
- IKEA Foundation
- Instiglio
- International Trade Centre
- Journey of Hope Fund
- Kakuma Kalobeyei Challenge Fund
- Kate Spade, onPurpose Fund
- Kenny Family Fund
- Kiva
- Livelihood Impact Fund
- Mastercard Foundation

- Mastercard Foundation Centre for Inclusive Growth
- MTN Rwanda
- Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart
- Peery Foundation
- Plan International, Rwanda
- Rwanda Ministry of ICT and Innovation
- Save the Children/Kumwe Hub
- SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
- Southern New Hampshire University
- Segal Family Foundation
- L & R Uechtritz Foundation
- UN Capital Development Fund
- UN Women
- University of Global Health Equity
- Upwork Foundation
- Vitol Foundation
- Whole Planet Foundation
- World Bank
- YouthConnekt